I don't enjoy housework. I rarely wear makeup. I love to cook, but I don't do dishes.​
So why do I have a natural home and body blog?
Because I have come to enjoy making my home (and myself) healthy and clean using simple, natural ingredients, and I want to share these easy DIY solutions with others.
Who is this blog for?
For anyone who wants to make easy simple changes to their products to have a more natural, non-toxic home and personal care routine.
For anyone who, like me, doesn't necessarily LOVE the whole homemaking thing, but wants to enjoy it more, do less of it, and just find things that work.
For anyone looking for a one-stop place to get easy DIY recipes for basic household needs.
Who am I?
Please don't get the idea that I am a super crunchy mom lady. I'm like a medium-crunch working mom lady. I would rather use baking soda and vinegar than buy Drain-o, but I am in love with Windex. I do buy mostly organic and cook most meals at home, but you can find me stuffing my face with tacos from the truck on the weekends or In-N-Out if I'm extra hungry.